Tick Tock.
I'm just letting time pass. It's almost Christmas! Wow, could you actually believe it? Time's always fast. It's annoying. Haha. Okay, so not all the time. At least I've finished second term. That's always good.
Dad and I went shopping yesterday. He thought of finally bringing me to that ukay near UE (his hospital). There were a lot of boots! I got to buy two pairs there. Well, the other one was a pair of boxing shoes. Then we went to SM North 'cause dad had to buy some last-minute Christmas presents. After, we had to meet mom in glorietta. I immediately went inside my favorite shop (kirin kirin), and got a pair of ankle length leggings. Yes, I know, it's a fad. But they'll look great with my boots! Not everyone wears boots. Hopefully, it won't become a fad, too. At around 9pm last night, Jos dropped by just to hand my presents and see me open them! Isn't that sweet? :) He gave me clothes, a belt and a Roald Dahl book! Yay! :D Thanks, Jos! It's good mom didn't complain that he got here so late at night. Before, she'd shoo Jos out of the house at around 7:30. But last night, the only thing she was worried about was how he's going home. Maybe it's the pot. I'm kidding. Jos is spoiled with my mom ever since. >:p
Mom spoiled me today. It's surprising. She got me these gorgeous shoes from Celine. They were on sale... And they're stilletos. Unusual for me to purchase such shoes, but hey, they're sexy. And besides, it's new year. I could try new stuff. :p She got me skinny jeans, too. Not just one pair, but TWO. They'll look lovely with my new shoes! It was weird though. Usually, she'd ask me to just pick one. AND she told me we could still go shopping like on the 26th or the 27th when SM goes on sale or something. Do we have that much money this season or am I just being plainly spoiled for no reason? Fishy. But I don't think I should complain. :D
My brother got me a new pet-- a fortune lobster. It's interesting... and frustrating. I can't really see it move around much. It freezes when it feels something nearby. Dad said I should get a pair of binoculars. Hahaha. I still love Lobby though. (Yes. Lobby the Lobster.)
I just finished reading Eldest. It's awesome! It took me a year to finish it. Hahahaha. I can't believe it took me that long. I was too lazy. But finishing it is fulfilling 'cause it has a great twist. Can't wait to watch Eragon. I don't really remember the story of that one, but I remember enjoying it as well. Right now, I'm reading Twilight. It's a story about a girl who's in love with a vampire, who happens to have a liking for this girl's blood. So far, so good. :) I'm gonna resume reading right after I post this. (I think. I'm still chatting with Celisse)
Wonder if Santa's passing by tonight. :) I've been eyeing this stuff toy in Animal Land. It's a sheep that actually looks like Lamb Chop! There are no more stocks left in Power Plant, and there was only one left in Toys R Us when I checked earlier! :( I hope dad got one behind my back. Hahaha. But I swear, it's adorable. Lamb chop... :(
Oh, the Wreckers are nominated for a Grammy! For best duo or country something or something. Hehehe. I'm so proud! I honestly cannot believe it. I didn't know that they're that popular now. Probably because the Wreckers aren't that exposed here in the Philippines. Sheesh. The album was released like May or June, and it only got here this month! Could you believe that?! Oh well. I'm proud of them nonetheless! :) Hope they get it!
(my, my, this is a LOOOOOONG post.)
I'm still chatting with Celisse, and I'm so flattered that she asked me where I buy my clothes. She said she needs a new wardrobe but she's not exactly surrounded by kikay girls. (Er, I'm not kikay though.) She'd want to go shopping some time, and I told her maybe we could before classes resume. Her mom doesn't like it when she takes long picking clothes so she doesn't get to shop.
Don't we all just love shopping? :)
Merry Christmas, everyone!
Tick tock... Tick tock... Where am I? Forget ‘where’ just tell me how did I get here? Ah! yes; that was it… Googling the words tick tock or actually tock-tick. And why googling those words? Well as boring as it is I am doing research for a book I’m writing and tick-tock enters the scenario as it was a code-word used by the Germans in the second world war. So; that’s how I got here. But; why, having accidentally fallen upon this page, did I continue to read the article when there are 32million other articles to read?
Why? Because the kid got to me… What kid? What got to you (they ask)? The kid who wrote the article got to me… and what ‘got to me’ was the lavishness of the expense being expended upon her by her Dad. Actually, that’s not quiet true… it was the words ‘SM North’ that caught my attention. It goes like this…I was in the Philippines until a day or two a go and went to a place by that very name. And coincidentally I went to buy shoes; just like the kid. Ten pairs I bought. No; I’m not a budding Imelda Marcos; the shoes were for ten different kids. I had met these kids in the streets whilst doing photography and I was astounded by the very fact that not one of the poor mites were wearing shoes. That ‘got to me’. What got to you? The dichotomy. What dichotomy? The one of these ten kids not having a pair of shoes between them and this young girl flamboyantly ‘just’ popping along to the Glorietta and buying capriciously.
OK, kids not having shoes in the Philippines is a lot different to kids in the UK not having shoes. But why? Why? You ask WHY?? The clear answer is society. But what makes society. People do. People make society. What people? People like the young girl who’s Dad has just bought her two or three pairs of boots. So how can the ‘society’ in the Philippines change. Just by ‘caring’. Can this young girl care? No; not a chance in hell. Why? Just read her Blog. Her dad is providing her with a ‘comfort blanket’ and a cotton-wool barrier between her and the non-society in which she lives.
Her eye-lids are heavy with her pampered life and cause them to close when confronted with the reality in which she lives. Poor kid. Tick tock, tick tock…
... I did not mean to be anonymous... I'm not that gutless... bob.brudenell@gmail.com is my email. I am presently in the UK for Christmas but I will return to the Far East in January
I'm a mild shopper. Trust me. (I cant believe someone just attacked me!)
You mean to say that I am heartless just because I bought 3 pairs of shoes in just two days? You shouldn't judge people just because of one entry, even more if you don't even know them.
It's Christmas. All my shoes are torn. Yeesh. And no, my life isnt as pampered as it seems.
I shouldn't be so defensive. Eheh. Well, you take care Mr. Brudenell.
Wow, juicy blog anna. :D BY the way, 3 weeks ago, a kid along the streets WITHOUT shoes nor slippers mind you, tried to pick pocket me and run away with my cellphone. I caught him, he was obviously high on something..rugby probably, which is what I see these kids taking. I don't think he deserved shoes.
Steal from the rich and give to the poor. The Robin Hood mentality is the reason why the city jails are filled with peroxide hair dyed juvenile delinquents. Two years ago, a kid tried to steal my watch under the Ayala MRT station. Caught him and socked the bugger as well. Hmmm, doesn't say much about the class D kids running around the metro does it?
But in the same breathe, i just donated all my old clothes, socks, toys to the poor and to the victims of the storm in Bicol. My point is, we give what we have, and not only get what we need, but what we Want as well. It is Christmas, we splurge. It is a fact of life. The fact that this little girl is so happy to get new shoes and brag about it in her blog just shows that it is something special and not something everyday. Maybe we should stroll along the streets of Forbes Park, New Manila, Dasmariñas, and Ayala Alabang and tell THEM to start buying clothes, shoes, food for the poor.
Hey Bob, why did you fly to the UK for Christmas? Why didnt you just use the money for your round trip, food and lodging to just buy the poor their needs and go around the squatter areas under the bridge and play Santa Claus?
This "little girl" is a little girl non the less and not Mother Teresa. She deserves to be happy for Christmas. MErry Christmas everyone
Haha! I can't believe someone attacked you like that.. And to think I wanted to chane my whole wardrobe... Attack me, not Anna!! hahaha!!!! Besides, we all earned our own money so we could buy the stuff we want. I basically bought only two things I "want" last year just to get this much money so I think I deserve to give myself something I'm dying to get. I guess we're just lucky we've got parents who are willing to work hard just to give their kids almost everything they want. Life is unfair. But what can one person do about it? Don't get my wrong.. I've been trying to help poor kids outside school since first year high. I was really proud of myself but if you make it a habit to give them something, they sometimes take advantage of you. They would eventually ask for more. Well, I'm not actually in line with high society so I guess I can't give them anything other than what I can. I can't blame them for wanting to fill their desires but I'm not actually God. I recentyly donated P3000 for my grandmother's charity something for the poor kids back in Cabnatuan, Nueva Ecija.. I'm not trying to brag but if it'll make you realize that we're not all being selfish here I guess I should! Don't you think we're trying to make our country progressive? There are other matters than these poor children. Besides, maybe you haven't seen other parts of the Philipines yet.
Bottomline is, I still won't change my mind about shopping.. hehe.. Love you tons Anna!
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